Lecture 5: Binomial Queue¶
约 393 个字 83 行代码 6 张图片 预计阅读时间 2 分钟
1 Definition¶
A binomial queue is not a heap-ordered tree, but rather a collection of heap-ordered trees, known as a forest. Each heap-ordered tree is a binomial tree.
一个单位叫 Binomial Tree,一个节点的 Binomial Tree 的高度为 0,记作 \(B_0\)。\(B_k\) 为高度是 \(k\) 的二叉树,将两个 \(B_{k-1}\) 的树连接在一起就可以,如下图:
\(B_k\) consists of a root with \(k\) children, which are \(B_0\), \(B_1\), ..., \(B_{k-1}\). \(B_k\) has exactly \(2^k\) nodes. The number of nodes at depth \(d\) is \(C_k^d\).
2 Operation¶
- FindMin: 扫描所有的树根。\(T_p=O(logN)\).
- Merge: 和二进制加法类似。
注意 attach 的时候把大的接到小的上面以维持最小堆特性。而且要把森林里的树按照高度逆序排序。
- Insert: 是合并的一种特殊情况。不多说。
If the smallest nonexistent binomial tree is \(B_i\), then \(T_p=Const*(i+1)\).
在空二项堆里面插入 \(N\) 个元素的最坏时间复杂度为 \(O(N)\),平均的单步用时是常数。
- DeleteMin: 见下图。
3 Implementations¶
由于需要快速找到子树,这里使用 First Child Next Sibling 的链表存储方式。
typedef struct BinNode *Position;
typedef struct Collection *BinQueue;
typedef struct BinNode *BinTree; /* missing from p.176 */
struct BinNode
ElementType Element;
Position LeftChild;
Position NextSibling;
} ;
struct Collection
int CurrentSize; /* total number of nodes */
BinTree TheTrees[ MaxTrees ];
} ;
BinTree CombineTrees( BinTree T1, BinTree T2 )
{ /* merge equal-sized T1 and T2 */
if ( T1->Element > T2->Element )
/* attach the larger one to the smaller one */
return CombineTrees( T2, T1 );
/* insert T2 to the front of the children list of T1 */
T2->NextSibling = T1->LeftChild;
T1->LeftChild = T2;
return T1;
}// combine 操作时间复杂度为 O(1)
BinQueue Merge( BinQueue H1, BinQueue H2 )
BinTree T1, T2, Carry = NULL;
int i, j;
if ( H1->CurrentSize + H2-> CurrentSize > Capacity ) ErrorMessage();
H1->CurrentSize += H2-> CurrentSize;
for ( i=0, j=1; j<= H1->CurrentSize; i++, j*=2 ) {
T1 = H1->TheTrees[i]; T2 = H2->TheTrees[i]; /*current trees */
switch( 4*!!Carry + 2*!!T2 + !!T1 ) {
case 0: /* 000 */ ;
case 1: /* 001 */ break;
case 2: /* 010 */ H1->TheTrees[i] = T2; H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break;
case 4: /* 100 */ H1->TheTrees[i] = Carry; Carry = NULL; break;
case 3: /* 011 */ Carry = CombineTrees( T1, T2 );
H1->TheTrees[i] = H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break;
case 5: /* 101 */ Carry = CombineTrees( T1, Carry );
H1->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break;
case 6: /* 110 */ Carry = CombineTrees( T2, Carry );
H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break;
case 7: /* 111 */ H1->TheTrees[i] = Carry;
Carry = CombineTrees( T1, T2 );
H2->TheTrees[i] = NULL; break;
} /* end switch */
} /* end for-loop */
return H1;
ElementType DeleteMin( BinQueue H )
BinQueue DeletedQueue;
Position DeletedTree, OldRoot;
ElementType MinItem = Infinity; /* the minimum item to be returned */
int i, j, MinTree; /* MinTree is the index of the tree with the minimum item */
if ( IsEmpty( H ) ) { PrintErrorMessage(); return –Infinity; }
for ( i = 0; i < MaxTrees; i++) { /* Step 1: find the minimum item */
if( H->TheTrees[i] && H->TheTrees[i]->Element < MinItem ) {
MinItem = H->TheTrees[i]->Element; MinTree = i; } /* end if */
} /* end for-i-loop */
DeletedTree = H->TheTrees[ MinTree ];
H->TheTrees[ MinTree ] = NULL; /* Step 2: remove the MinTree from H => H’ */
OldRoot = DeletedTree; /* Step 3.1: remove the root */
DeletedTree = DeletedTree->LeftChild; free(OldRoot);
DeletedQueue = Initialize(); /* Step 3.2: create H” */
DeletedQueue->CurrentSize = ( 1<<MinTree ) – 1; /* 2MinTree – 1 */
for ( j = MinTree – 1; j >= 0; j – – ) {
DeletedQueue->TheTrees[j] = DeletedTree;
DeletedTree = DeletedTree->NextSibling;
DeletedQueue->TheTrees[j]->NextSibling = NULL;
} /* end for-j-loop */
H->CurrentSize – = DeletedQueue->CurrentSize + 1;
H = Merge( H, DeletedQueue ); /* Step 4: merge H’ and H” */
return MinItem;
4 Analysis¶
A binomial queue of \(N\) elements can be built by \(N\) successive insertions in \(O(N)\).